About lucid dreaming
Do you know what a lucid dream is?
A lucid dream is a dream where the dreamer knows they’re dreaming, usually triggered by an ‘aha’ moment: ‘This is a dream!’ It’s a paradox: you’re unconscious and conscious at the same time!
Because of this paradox, lucid dreaming was not accepted by the scientific community until relatively recently (late 1970s) but now it is gaining more and more popularity among psychologists, sports psychologists, hypnotherapists and other health professionals.

Many people have had at least one spontaneous lucid dream in their lifetime but did you know that lucid dreaming can be learned? Once you learn the techniques for enhancing your chances of becoming lucid within the dream state, you can then use the lucid dream to bring about a variety of benefits, including:
- Increased effectiveness of affirmations
- Addressing limiting beliefs
- Creating healthy habits (and breaking bad ones)
- Enhanced plasticity (useful for athletes, learning a language or musical instrument)
- Obtaining information and advice (gaining clarity on your life’s direction)
- Shadow integration, including your Golden Shadow
- Healing trauma and blocked emotions
- Physical healing
- Mindfulness practice
This is because, once you’re lucid, you have full, unencumbered access to your unconscious mind.